Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Specialist
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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Specialist

No longer available

Your responsibilities:

  • Check websites, social media, government publications, and other publicly available sources for information.
  • To aid in data collecting and processing, use specialist OSINT instruments and software.
  • Analyse the data you've collected to find trends, patterns, and anomalies.
  • Create actionable intelligence reports using the data you've analysed.
  • Analyse the organization's possible risks and hazards.
  • Aid in the creation of preventative actions to reduce recognized hazards.
  • Detailed reports outlining the findings, conclusions, and suggested next steps should be prepared.
  • Report findings to management and the appropriate departments.
  • To share information, coordinate with other departments, such as the security and intelligence teams.
  • As required, conduct briefings and consultations, Updating and maintaining OSINT tools and programs.
  • Keep up with emerging techniques and technology in open-source intelligence.
  • Make sure that all actions follow the law and the policies of the organization.
  • Follow the most recent trends and advancements in open-source intelligence.

To fit this post, we look after:

  • Bachelor's degree in a related field such as Information Technology, Criminal Justice, International Relations, or equivalent work experience.
  • Minimum of 5-10 years of experience in intelligence gathering and analysis.
  • Proficiency in using OSINT tools and software, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Knowledge of legal and ethical considerations surrounding OSINT.

Nice to have:

  • Master's degree in a related field.
  • Language proficiency in EN.
  • Certifications related to cybersecurity, intelligence, or related fields.


Social Security

Friendly environment
Friendly schedule
Flexible work location


Access to our professional development tools and programs
Training certification reimbursement
Recognition and objective performance appraisals for personalized career paths

Perks and bonuses

Medical benefits
Referral bonus
A free week-long accommodation annually at our corporate apartment in Valencia, Spain
400 RON reimbursement for eyeglasses expenses

Special Events

Team events
Holiday packages
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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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