Java Developer
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Java Developer

No longer available

To fit this post, we look after:

  • Experienced with working in a cloud-native microservice architecture.
  • Experience with REST services.
  • Experience with noSQL databases, preferably Cloudant.
  • Experience with test frameworks: Junit, Mockito.
  • Familiar with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Familiar with cryptography: PKI, SSL/TLS.
  • Optional but preferred: Familiar/Experience with OAuth / OIDC concepts and Keycloak.

Nice to have:

  • Java Core 11 - 17
  • OOP principles and best practices
  • Collections Framework
  • Functional Programming principles; lambda expressions Spring
  • Framework; Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA RESTful APIs; Swagger
  • Static code analysis: SonarLint, JaCoCo
  • Messaging: RabbitMQ
  • Template engines; Thymeleaf
  • JavaScript, ES6, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap
  • MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle
  • Unit testing, integration testing with JUnit 5 and Mockito
  • Agile, Scrum, Kanban
  • Git (GitHub, Bitbucket), Maven, Sonar, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Redis


Social Security

Friendly environment
Friendly schedule
Flexible work location


Access to our professional development tools and programs
Training certification reimbursement
Recognition and objective performance appraisals for personalized career paths

Perks and bonuses

Medical benefits
Referral bonus
A free week-long accommodation annually at our corporate apartment in Valencia, Spain
400 RON reimbursement for eyeglasses expenses

Special Events

Team events
Holiday packages
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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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