Business Analyst with German
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Business Analyst with German

No longer available

Your responsibilities:

  • Through 1:1s, target definitions, and ongoing feedback, you will encourage and grow a cross-team chapter of bright and motivated business analysts with clear expectations.
  • By putting the proper structures in place to support teams and individuals, as well as by selecting the most qualified candidates, you oversee building our teams for success.
  • Through skill mentorship and performance management, you minimize gaps and offer growth opportunities for all chapter members.
  • You establish a productive and encouraging work atmosphere based on openness, responsibility, and trust.
  • You can eliminate dependencies in your connection role between chapter and product management, and you can also make product initiative progress visible and transparent.
  • As a member of one of our teams, you will do business analysis duties.

To fit this post, we look after:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering.
  • You have proven experience in the development, coaching, support, and feedback of team members, even in difficult conversations.
  • You will acquire strong leadership, planning and communication skills in German and / or English.
  • You have experience in leading and implementing projects in an agile environment.
  • You are passionate about working with people and optimizing the working environment of teams.
  • You have already gained experience as a business analyst or requirements engineer and have a solid understanding of data modelling, process modelling and other methods of requirement’s specification (e.g. Gherkin).

Nice to have:

  • Utilities industry knowledge.


Social Security

Friendly environment
Friendly schedule
Flexible work location


Access to our professional development tools and programs
Training certification reimbursement
Recognition and objective performance appraisals for personalized career paths

Perks and bonuses

Medical benefits
Referral bonus
A free week-long accommodation annually at our corporate apartment in Valencia, Spain
400 RON reimbursement for eyeglasses expenses

Special Events

Team events
Holiday packages
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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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