Master Data Management UI
Success Stories
Master Data Management UI


Master Data Management UI

1. Client information

Energy sector/ Power generation, Energy Sales & Trading, Energy storage/ Global energy company that generates, trades, and markets energy and energy-related products on a large scale/ Germany.

2. Business challenge

The client needed to create a single point of truth for data veracity, in which master data objects and entities are represented, curated, and coordinated for further internal applications usage.

3. Project approach: From business vision to implementation

Our team built an asset master data management UI and a feed service which acts like a data source to enable company-wide applications to utilize the data from a single source of truth. This application allows the client to easily make any changes to the hierarchy, changes which will automatically be available for all other master data consumers. From end-to-end data flows and process redesign up until power plant structure process maps, database designs, back-end & front-end development, the entire asset portfolio (including powerplant and internal organizational support units) gathers their data from this single-point-of-truth data repository.

4. Services & Expertise delivered

Dedicated Development Team, Digital Discovery & Technology Landscape Assessment, Solution Strategy, Processes & Systems Optimization, Quality Assurance Consulting, Custom Software Design & Development – Web application & SaaS Development, Custom Software Design & Development – Quality Assurance, Custom Software Design & Development – Software Maintenance & Technical Support, DevOps Consulting, Solution Enhancements & Project Rescue, Cloud Project Management, Cloud Audit & Readiness.

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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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