Maintenance Strategy & Planning Application
Success Stories
Maintenance Strategy & Planning Application


Maintenance Strategy & Planning Application

1. Client information

Energy sector/ Power generation & engineering services/ global energy company that generates, trades, and markets energy and energy-related products on a large scale/ Germany.

2. Business challenge

The client needed to develop an integrated maintenance strategy, planning and evaluation application for powerplants, enhanced with submittance, tracking, review, prioritization and approval features for maintenance planning budgets. The solution includes immediate plant warnings for a real-time feedback.

3. Project approach: From business vision to implementation

Our team created an integrated tool with automated features that is collecting live data from relevant data sources and uses this to create maintenance and planning strategies for the main equipment of power plants, helping power plant managers to better prepare the outages. The tool is using advanced calculations to determine the expected life of an asset and the failure probability. It is connected to the alert system so that it can trigger alerts to users whenever the criticality is high, improving maintenance quality and enabling engineers to make the correct decisions about when auxiliary assets need to be overhauled. The advanced warning system utilizes condition analytics, cutting maintenance cycles short, decreasing frequency as well as coupling them to allow production units to function and produce energy for a longer period.

The solution also allows the organization to submit, track, review, prioritize and approve project and maintenance budgets while implementing a more approachable solution for all stakeholders, making the planning process more efficient, enabling the application owners to also deal with urgent budget approvals.

4. Services & Expertise delivered

Dedicated Development Team, Digital Discovery & Technology Landscape Assessment, Solution Strategy, Processes & Systems Optimization, Quality Assurance Consulting, Custom Software Design & Development – Web application & SaaS Development, Custom Software Design & Development – Quality Assurance, Custom Software Design & Development – Software Maintenance & Technical Support, DevOps Consulting, Solution Enhancements & Project Rescue, Cloud Project Management, Cloud Audit & Readiness.

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Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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