Executive Powerplant Data Dashboard
Success Stories
Executive Powerplant Data Dashboard


Executive Powerplant Data Dashboard

1. Client information

Energy sector/ Power generation, Energy Sales & Trading, Energy storage/ global energy company that generates, trades, and markets energy and energy-related products on a large scale/ Germany.

2. Business challenge

The client needed a dashboard that had the goal to provide a single-source tool to monitor critical details from other platform modules, including a display of available capacity and current plant production and a monitoring and alert system.

3. Project approach: From business vision to implementation

Our team designed an information insight summary page that consumes data from the most relevant sources and platform applications to assist the organization in tracking the status of each power-plant easily. The tool is used daily by management to check the overall status of the power plant.

One emphasized capability is its available plant capacity and current production display, and its feature to provide the organization with notifications if current production data is not available or higher than the allocated availability.

Furthermore, our team developed a visual tool that allows graphic creation from different data sources and values received from plant sensors, being utilized in analysis and quick reaction times to improve turnaround times, and to prevent outages. The tool is also connected to other systems like alert and risk management so that users can easily raise an alert or manage risk details based on the data presented in the charts.

4. Services & Expertise delivered

Dedicated Development Team, Digital Discovery & Technology Landscape Assessment, Solution Strategy, Processes & Systems Optimization, Quality Assurance Consulting, Custom Software Design & Development – Web application & SaaS Development, Custom Software Design & Development – Quality Assurance, Custom Software Design & Development – Software Maintenance & Technical Support, DevOps Consulting, Solution Enhancements & Project Rescue, Cloud Project Management, Cloud Audit & Readiness.

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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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