QA Automation
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QA Automation

No longer available

Your responsibilities:

  • Work with an interdisciplinary team of product owners, business analysts and developers to define tests for newly developed and existing functionalities
  • Design and develop integration as well as end-to-end test cases for APIs and UIs
  • Work closely with our developers to ensure that the entire team takes ownership of the issue of quality
  • Ensure continuously increasing test coverage by generating suggestions for improvement in relation to our test tools
  • Identify software bugs and other issues

To fit this post, we look after:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering
  • Previous work experience (minimum 2 years) with unit, component, and system tests
  • The ability to take a holistic view of the topic of QA and have high demands on the quality of code
  • Solid programming experience in languages such as Java, PHP, or JavaScript
  • Familiarity with tools & frameworks such as Selenium, Codeception, Puppeteer, Gherkin, JIRA, Jenkins etc.
  • Experience with API tests and automation frameworks will help you to be successful in your role


Social Security

Friendly environment
Friendly schedule
Flexible work location


Access to our professional development tools and programs
Training certification reimbursement
Recognition and objective performance appraisals for personalized career paths

Perks and bonuses

Medical benefits
Referral bonus
A free week-long accommodation annually at our corporate apartment in Valencia, Spain
400 RON reimbursement for eyeglasses expenses

Special Events

Team events
Holiday packages
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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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