Data Scientist
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Data Scientist

No longer available

Your responsibilities:

  • Understand and own a business requirement and design an ML approach to solve the challenge effectively
  • Define which is the technology to use in each part of the pipeline (SQL, Python, EC2, AWS Lambda, crontab, …)
  • Lead a small team of data scientists towards the development of a feature for the application.
  • Ensure coding best practices in the development and mentor junior data scientists in coding standards
  • Validate and approve Pull Requests
  • Interact with other functions and agree data exchange protocols (DevOps, Front End, Database, backend, …)
  • Define strategies for the use of data and how data use interacts with data design
  • Lead an AI laboratory performing discovery tasks and developing AI products

To fit this post, we look after:

  • 4 to 6 years of experience in data science for Senior
  • >4 years experience with data programming/ scripting languages (Python, R, SQL). Including package building, object-oriented programming. Bonus: APIs, AWS Lambda, Step functions, …
  • >4 years experience in machine-learning methodologies (supervised /unsupervised, deep learning)
  • Experience using cloud technologies
  • Experience working with multi-disciplinary teams
  • Experience working with Agile Methodology (Jira, stand ups, sprint planning, …)
  • Experience in project planning
  • Experience in communicating technically, at a level appropriate for the audience
  • Ability to work in a fast pace and learn quickly


Social Security

Friendly environment
Friendly schedule
Flexible work location


Access to our professional development tools and programs
Training certification reimbursement
Recognition and objective performance appraisals for personalized career paths

Perks and bonuses

Medical benefits
Referral bonus
A free week-long accommodation annually at our corporate apartment in Valencia, Spain
400 RON reimbursement for eyeglasses expenses

Special Events

Team events
Holiday packages
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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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