How we approach gender equality at Principal33
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How we approach gender equality at Principal33


Gender equality has been a hot topic for many years now, especially in the IT industry and senior management level. While a lot of companies are still talking about how to tackle gender diversity, at Principal33 such important roles as CFO, CDTO and CHR are performed by females. This accounts for 50% of the management team; the other 50%; CEO, CBO, and COO are performed by males

How we approach gender equality at Principal33 

We are growing dynamically, and as we do so, we’re not going to stop pushing for gender equality at Principal33. We strongly believe a diverse team will lead to better results and decision-making.

Source: LinkedIn

Our path to gender equality

Gender equality is inherent to our management style. Our management team has years of experience in the corporate world and know that a multidisciplinary team will always bring the best results. At Principal33, it was our mission from Day One to make sure we have a 50/50 share of male and female employees. As mentioned before our management team is aligned with this mentality and its spread across all levels of our company. Here we can add different nationalities and languages spoken within our company as examples of diversity

The current state of things look grim 

A recent study of Deloitte only confirms what I’ve said. Here are a few statistics that you should treat as a wake-up call, if you still haven’t introduced equality at your company: 

Why is all this happening? There’s one main reason – employers don’t offer flexible working arrangements to women. 

Why we care about gender equality at Principal33

There are many reasons, here are a few of the main ones:


Betting on gender equality has helped us massively in getting to where we are now. Even while growing dynamically we will always ensure equal access to managerial roles, irrespective of gender. 

If you’d like to work at a company that puts gender equality at the front, then take a look at our openings at Principal33. We’re currently hiring for 17 different positions, so high chances are, we’re looking for someone just like you!

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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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